Our Portfolio

Agricol is a seed company that has already made deep inroads into the South African and international markets for almost 60 years. Activities include plant breeding, production, international trade, processing and distribution of seed.

Based in the Netherlands, Bakker Brothers has a proud history dating back to 1928. Specialising in hybrid vegetables, Bakker manages the processes involving the development of their own varieties as well as producing, cleaning, treating, packaging, and distribution.

Hygrotech pioneered the development of F1 hybrids in the South African vegetable industry and is one of the market leaders in vegetable seed marketing and distribution in South Africa. Hygrotech has a portfolio of adjuvants, fertilisers, foliar feeds, biological products, plant manipulators as well as a variety of products under the ‘Miller’ brand.

African Seeds Group is an innovative agro-input company that provides tailored input solutions to emerging commercial farmers. ASG provides high quality agri-inputs sourced from the wide range of products available from within the Zaad group. ASG also offers technical support and market access facilitation to its customers. Through a recent partnership with the Sakhumnotho Investment Group – ASG is now a Level 2 BBBEE company.

Based in Durban, South Africa, FarmAg manufactures agricultural chemicals and is one of the major suppliers on the African continent.

MAY Seed has been engaged in research, production and domestic and international sales of vegetables, field, industrial and forage crop seeds since 1978 under the brand name, MAY.
MAY is Turkey’s leading agricultural sector investor with its annual certified seed production and processing capacity of 30,150 tons. MAY currently employs over 120 agronomist specialists.
MAY’s vision is to be a Turkish seed company that offers innovative seeds for the targeted geography through strong R&D to sustain global competition.

Agriseeds is a leading maize seed supplier in Zimbabwe. Their facility outside Harare provides cleaning and packaging services to other Zaad group companies.

DLF Seeds (South Africa) is a joint venture between Zaad and DLF. The objective is to expand the marketing and sales of temperate forage, turf grass, clover and alfalfa seed to wholesale customers in the Southern African market by introducing superior genetics and solutions through local testing and technical support.

EASeeds was established in 1972 and has steadily grown to become the leading independent seed company within the East and Central African regions. It operates in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia. Its products are distributed through a wide distribution network of appointed dealers and stockists in major cities and towns throughout Eastern and Central Africa.

ZARP is responsible for distributing the group’s vegetable seed brands to SADC. This includes Bakker, K2, Afrigro, Hygrotech. ZARP also has a seed production department (previously ZAR Seed Production) responsible for the production of Onion, Carrot, Beetroot, Cabbage and other vegetable seeds in South Africa.